Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
BA (Hons) Comic & Concept Art FCCAFBAH Course
BA (Hons) Computer Science FCSCFBSH Course
BA (Hons) Creative Computing FCOMFBSH Course
BA (Hons) Games Animation FGMAFBAH Course
BA (Hons) Games Arts FGARFBAH Course
BA (Hons) Games Design FGMDFBAH Course
BA (Hons) Games Development FGDVFBSH Course
BA (Hons) Studio Practice (Games) (Top up) FSPGFBXH Course
BA (Hons) Virtual and Augmented Reality FVARFBAH Course
BA/BSC (Hons) Studio Practice (Games) FSPGFBAH Course
MA Games Arts FGMAFMAM Course
MA Games Design FGMDFMAM Course
MA Immersive Virtual Reality FVMRFMAM Course
MA Indpendent & Serious Games FISGFMAM Course
MFA Immersive Virtual Reality FVMRFMFM Course
MSc Game Engineering FGENFMSM Course
MSc Human Computer Interaction FHCIFMSM Course

Lists linked to School of Games & Creative Technology

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
School of Games & Creative Technology - Employability resources UCA 05/05/2023 08:33:19