Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Audience Evaluation EBSC6018 Unit
Behavioural Studies & Consumption EBSC5130 Unit
Brand Logo & Design EBSC4419 Unit
Brand Logo & Design (Jan) EBSC4519 Unit
Business Bootcamp 3: Storytelling and Narrative BOOT5001 Unit
Business Bootcamp 4: Exploring Innovation BOOT5002 Unit
Business Bootcamp 6: Developing Enterprise BOOT6002 Unit
Business Seminar 3: Professional Practice EBSC5180 Unit
Business Seminar 4: Strategy & Decision Making EBSC6020 Unit
Creative Business Start-up EBSC5450 Unit
Creative Innovation EBSC5300 Unit
Data Mining for Marketeers EBSC6017 Unit
Degree Project EBSC6021 Unit
Digital Marketing Analytics EBSC5150 Unit
Experience Economy EBSC4410 Unit
Experience Economy (Jan) EBSC4510 Unit
Fashion Buying EBSC5040 Unit
Fashion: Contemporary Issues EBSC6003 Unit
Fashion: Global Industry & Futures EBSC6013 Unit
Festivals & Cultures EBSC5050 Unit
Financial Management for the Creative Industries EBSC5240 Unit
Fundamentals of Marketing and Social Media (Jan) EBSC4511 Unit
Fundamentals of Marketing and Social Media (Sept) EBSC4411 Unit
Games: Contemporary Issues EBSC6004 Unit
Games: Global Industry & Futures EBSC6014 Unit
Gamification & Marketing EBSC5200 Unit
Identity & Marketing EBSC5060 Unit
Industry Lecture Series EBSC5310 Unit
Industry Project Brief: Creative Thinking for Business and Entrepreneurship (Jan) EBSC4507 Unit
Industry Project Brief: Creative Thinking for Business and Entrepreneurship (Sept) EBSC4407 Unit
Influence & Influencers EBSC5070 Unit
Introduction to Business (Jan) EBSC4502 Unit
Introduction to Business (Sept) EBSC4402 Unit
Introduction to the Creative and Cultural Industries (Jan) EBSC4503 Unit
Introduction to the Creative and Cultural Industries (Sept) EBSC4403 Unit
Launch (Jan) EBSC4400 Unit
Launch (Sept) EBSC4500 Unit
Lifestyle Goods: Contemporary Issues EBSC6005 Unit
Managing Creative People (Jan) EBSC4504 Unit
Managing Creative People (Sept) EBSC4404 Unit
Music: Global Industry & Futures EBSC6011 Unit
Operations & Logistics EBSC5260 Unit
Opportunity (Jan) EBSC4401 Unit
Opportunity (Sept) EBSC4501 Unit
Organisational Behaviour (Jan) EBSC4506 Unit
Organisational Behaviour (Sept) EBSC4406 Unit
Predictive Analytics for Business EBSC6019 Unit
Professional Placement EBSC5280 Unit
Professional Practice Year Part 1 EBSC5320 Unit
Professional Practice Year Part 2 EBSC5330 Unit
Supply Chain Analysis and Management EBSC5170 Unit
Wearable Technology EBSC5220 Unit

Lists linked to BA/BSc (Hons) Business and Management

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